-----Original Message-----
From: Terry Blanton 

> So how exactly does the surface of a metal dissociate molecular hydrogen?

Romanowski offers a complicated suggestion. In short - the copper-nickel
alloy supplies about 3 eV of the necessary energy, in a kind of QM tunneling
reaction. The molecule makes contact and part of it (one proton) "sticks"
for a short time during which there is energy transfer. That deficit is the
level that would need to be replaced by ZPE (or whatever).

> Where does the 4.476 eV come from?  

If ~3 eV comes from tunneling-like QM effects - in the way Romanowski
claims, then the remainder would need to come from either chemistry or to be
"borrowed" in advance of femtosecond recombination. There is little real
transmutation (some, but hundreds of times too little to account for the

> If only some of the energy comes from the zero point field then the Rossi
reactor could be powered by the oscillation of hydrogen between the atomic
and molecular states.

Yes, Exactamundo ! ...that is one of the strong possibilities that we have
been exploring for almost a year (yourself included), along with Roarty's
cavity-based time distortion model, or alternatively with the idea that the
proximate cause of gain is "strong force asymmetric interaction with IRH",
followed by Coulomb repulsion. 

That later explanation depletes "non-quark nuclear mass" (gauge bosons); and
this is a little more palatable than is "ZPE" to some mentalities (who
consider ZPE to be another word for magic). 

I think that all of the above viewpoints can be merged into a single M.O.
eventually. And this evolving explanation is also compatible with slight
radioactivity - since QM tunneling of protons can occasionally (but rarely)
proceed to a nuclear reaction.

Quote from Romanowski which is a shock to the cadre of palladium fusion

"On a basis of these calculations a measure of catalytic power of the metals
was defined and the series of metals and alloys was ordered according to
their catalytic power. It was found that the highest catalytic power with
respect to the hydrogen dissociation process is exhibited by NiCu alloys."
[over twice the catalytic power of palladium]. 

"All the quantum-chemical calculations have been performed using the methods
of the density functional theory (DFT). The nonlocal version of DFT was
applied with the gradient-corrected functional for electron exchange and
correlation. The GAUSSIAN-94 and -98 suites of programs were employed in the
calculations." END of quote

Here is the Wiki entry on DFT:


Some of the formalism looks similar to W&L surface plasmons, etc. - but they
are known to "borrow" from every source imaginable.

At any rate there is a strong argument here that the gain appears largely
non-nuclear, even if the energy source is non-quark nuclear mass ("gluons"
masquerading as ZPE).

> Or not.

Yes, in the end gluons-masquerading-as-ZPE will sound to skeptics a bit like
Zeus masquerading as a swan ... 


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