Regarding MY, Jed sez:

> Okay, that's it! I am sick of your useless, gratuitous,
> snide comments. You add nothing to the discussion saying
> that kind of thing. I am adding you to my auto-delete file.
> You are a tiresome jerk. Go away.

I suppose I should say, Shoot! There goes my evening entertainment.

However, the truth of the matter is that MY has been in my auto-delete file
for months now. If it had not been for individuals like Jed, Terry, and Mark
bringing back another snide remark attributed to MY "she" would have been
nothing more than another distant memory, like the Grok persona. Quite
frankly, I'm astonished that it took Jed this long to reach his limit. I
realize Jed was in a sense utilizing MY's incessant commentary as a form of
practice, but enuf is enuf! Long ago it became pretty obvious to me that
nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing would change MY's mission in life.
Since it became obvious to me that any kind of a productive dialogue would
have been impossible, blocking MY's incessant posting habits from cluttering
up my mailbox was the only recourse left.

BTW, Mr. Murray, you disappoint me. Surely you can do better insofar as your
selection of hero worship goes.

Mary, if you are reading this post, I recommend you contact Mr. Krivit and
offer your services as a BoD member for his New Energy Times news letter. I
suspect Steve is still shopping around for the right kinds of individuals to
fill vacancies. There seems to be a high rate of turnover.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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