As Terry and I have mentioned many times: Why doesn't Mills simply include
the entire periodic table as his list of catalysts ?

There is nothing on there that is ruled out. 

After all, for 10 years Mills was using sodium as a control to show how good
potassium was! ... and then suddenly, without explanation, he quietly shifts
gears and indicates sodium is now his preferred catalyst (in the so-called
solid fuel reactor, which is still in limbo).

Mills is "not quite" a Rossi, in terms of dishonesty - and he has much
better credentials, but still he cannot be trusted - as the Capstone turbine
people found out. It is no wonder his reputation is taking a further big
hits with every News story on Ni-H. This was Mills' game to lose, as they
say, in 1995.

I suppose all great inventors are "honesty challenged" to a certain extent
... It's all about "not accepting the limitations of reality" ...


-----Original Message-----
From: David ledin 

Catalysts recipes from Dr. Randell mills:

<<attachment: winmail.dat>>

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