We are not directly involved but suspect some of our work has leaked a
bit. There have been a few probing emails as of late. This group could
be the source or it could be other groups that are starting to form. The
market size and variety is HUGH. FPE devices will completely reshape how
we generate and use energy. Plenty of room for many players. I'm sure
Dick Smith would love to have a FPE powered chopper with unlimited
range. 2012 will be the year that the world wakes up to FPE devices.
2013 will see massive development. By 2015 the use of FPE devises will
be widespread and will be the preferred power source. Off the shelf CHP
FPE powered generators, running domestic homes and commercial offices
will be common place. Every man and his dog will be involved in selling
and installing domestic and commercial CHP systems. There will be a
massive waiting period. Many HVAC people that are struggling to make a
buck today will become very rich. Despite all this, the Arctic Ice Cap
will melt out in the summer of 2015. Methane release into the Arctic
atmosphere will massively accelerate. GW will get a steroid like boost.
We will have a tool to fix it but it may be too late to stop it. FPE
devices will help to reduce the worst effects and will save many lives.
Rossi will never get a Nobel. Others, who finally figure out what is
going on will. Direct FPE to electrical generation will happen. Yes all
this by the end of 2015.
On 1/13/2012 9:25 AM, Terry Blanton wrote:
On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 5:33 PM, Aussie Guy E-Cat
<aussieguy.e...@gmail.com> wrote:
Being a quite achiever. Lots happening and in progress.
Are you involved in this test? Will you give us a special report if so?