On Rossi's JONP - http://www.journal-of-nuclear-physics.com/?p=563&cpage=11#comment-169012

  1. Andrea Rossi

    Dear Albert Ellul:
    Thank you.
    The big science, after trying to ridiculize us, now has understood that the E-Cat works, so now they are trying to copy and make patents to overcome us, discourage us and trying with this sophysticated way to stop us under a disguise of an indirect vindication. Is a smart move, but they are underevaluating us. I will never stop, within one year we will start the delivery of million pieces at 50 $/kW, with a totally new concept, at that point the game will be over. This technology must be popular, must cost a very low price, must be a real revoluton, not a bunch of theoretical (wrong) chatters.
    Warm Regards,

The price is really tumbling now.

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