-----Original Message-----
From: Terry Blanton 

>   Another “rumorist” has written somewhere that our Customer has given
>   us back the 1 MW E-Cat: this is another stupidity, totally false.
>   Warm Regards,
>   A.R.

> Rossi sometimes plays word games.  Jones did not claim that it was
"given back". His comment is more like it was "returned for repairs".

That is correct. Not only that, Rossi has all the characteristics of a
pathological liar, and liars like to use "tense" to advantage. You know:
"the meaning of is".

In this case he uses "has" or the past tense - when the BBB would be in
transit, if the 'rumorist' is right. Technically, it has not back *yet* but
that does not mean it is not "on the way back".... 

> "Given back" implies that a refund will be requested.  Jones
implicated that there will be no such request.  

Yes, but AFAIK Rossi IS contractually obligated to eliminate the quiescence

Can he do that now? If so, hats-off to Rossi ! 

But even if he can do this with better controls, and proves himself to be
close to the great inventor he imagines himself to be, he is still a liar.
We knew that back when Rossi "invented" a Board member, George Kelly, which
is a complete lie, one of hundreds, even borrowing the name of a deceased
faculty member at UNH. This is one of many needless fabrications, and
"needless" is a reason why this personality defect is pathological.

Side note: Edison too was both a great liar and a great inventor; and also
shared Rossi's habit of "borrowing" ideas without attribution. He famously
promised Nikola Tesla the equivalent of over a $million to significantly
improve his DC generator, and when Tesla delivered, TAE reneged, saying:
“Tesla, you don’t understand our American humor”... leading Tesla to invent
AC. Poetic justice. But Tesla was "factually challenged" himself, so this
could be a common trait of many great inventors. 

> Rossi has admitted elsewhere that he is presently repairing the first
Mega-eCat with new gaskets and controls.  

Are you calling the "first Mega-eCat" the BBB? If so, you have inadvertently
caught him in the lie already, no? Even if he is saying that he is repairing
it on the customer's premises, the gist of the rumor, and the reason it
pains Rossi so severely - is that the BBB presently has zero economic value.
Not to mention that this is also the reason that he missed out on the DGT

Now we know there is a good reason for Rossi's ill-humor - 100,000,000
million reasons. If he is repairing BBB on the customer's premises, and it
has not been returned, then yes I am guilty of spreading a partly inaccurate
rumor on that detail only. 

But not on the main point that E-Cat does NOT work for extended periods
running - and moreover, has zero economic value until it does work for more
than a day or two. It never worked continuously for weeks or months to heat
a factory - that is another big lie.

In the end, Rossi is still no more than a pathological liar on most of his
absurd claims, like the million unit factory. And if he wants to sue me for
libel - then all the better. (I understand the situation - his wife is an
Italian attorney). 

Unlike Italy, however, we have this little detail in the US court system
call "Discovery" and the aftermath of discovery for Rossi would completely
crush this man's gigantic over-inflated ego. 


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