Mr. Krivit recently posted over at NET:


LENR and Cold Fusion Theory Index 

I continue to receive mixed responses about the media attention I give to
the Widom-Larsen theory of LENRs. Regardless, my confidence in that theory
has not changed.


However, I have decided that it is both useful as well as fair to provide an
opportunity to help present other LENR theories on the New Energy Times Web

Therefore, I have built portal pages for the following theories:



I think it is encouraging news that Krivit has in a sense, come out of the
closet. Krivit now states that it would be "fair" to post links to competing
CF/LENR theories. It would suggest Mr. Krivit has become increasingly
concerned about his perceived credibility. Perhaps Rossi's continued ability
to somehow avoid self-destruction in spite of his flagrant carnival barking
behavior, which in my view certainly makes Rossi appear as if he's a
fraudster, has influenced Krivit's reevaluation - but who really knows. I
could be wrong on this point but I suspect some of Mr. Krivit's concerns may
have been influenced by a series of postings of a critical nature
originating from the Vort Collective. But I hasten to add that that's just a
wild guess on my part.


I appreciate the fact that Mr. Krivit has been upfront to his readers in the
sense that that he continues to hold great "confidence" in the merits of the
Widom-Larsen theory. Of course, Krivit's intentions have been obvious to
everyone for a very long time. The catch here is that to come out of the
closet and confess his "confidence", by default, means Mr. Krivit has now
stated categorically that in his opinion no other theory can stand up to the
merits of the W-L theory. Such an admission should alert readers to the fact
that Krivit's news gathering service cannot be perceived as impartial
insofar as reporting on LENR developments are concerned. By default,
admitting his "confidence" means Krivit has transformed NET into an ADVOCATE
for the Widom-Larsen theory. By default, that also implies that any other
theoretical camp that is not in the W-L camp are essentially fare game - to
be relentlessly picked away at.


IMHO, there is absolutely nothing wrong with following such an approach in
regards to the gathering of CF/LENR news. In fact, I suggested to MR. Krivit
that he admit as much to himself and to his readers back when I was still a
BoD member for NET - before I was asked to resign. My recollection was that
Mr. Krivit told me he did not want NET to be perceived as playing the role
of an advocate. But for Krivit to publicly admit his "confidence" by default
has, in my view, effectively transformed NET into an advocate for the W-L
theory. However, I'm not entirely sure that Mr. Krivit understands this.


Again, IMHO, there is absolutely nothing wrong with following such an
approach. As Joseph Campbell was fond of saying, "Follow Your Bliss!" ...
and all doors will be open to you. All this really means is that NET is
following a similar agenda that the Pure Energy Systems (PESN) web site is
following. PESN publicly discloses the relationship they have established
with Andrea Rossi:






"Full Disclosure:

PES Network has a business relationship with Andrea Rossi."


Insofar as Mr. Krivit's latest admission is concerned, there still remains
an important matter of disclosure that needs clearing up. What kind of a
relationship has Mr. Krivit established with those affiliated with the
Widom-Larsen camp? Could it be some form of a business relationship? Could
it be promised exclusivity to breaking news events in the W-L camp? We just
don't know the particulars. Any organization that assumes the role of an
advocate, one can be assured, has by default established some kind of a
unique & exclusive relationship. Having entered into such a relationship
means that Mr. Krivit will also feel their joy as well as their
disappointment. As such, Mr. Krivit will act accordingly in what he chooses
to publish out at NET. IMHO, Mr. Krivit's readership deserve to know the
ramifications of that relationship.



Steven Vincent Johnson

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