Having said all that - let me be clear that good evidence still indicates
Rossi has invented a robust energy anomaly.


That is where myself and Yugo part company. She believes that the dishonesty
extends to everything, but that is wrong. At the bottom of it all, there is
enough proof from other honest sources, and from 22 years of positive R&D -
that this energy anomaly is now ready for prime time - that we should not
abandon Rossi altogether.


Thank Zeus for DGT and the other unnamed Labs that are on this. 


In effect, this conundrum (of what is true and what is not) is precisely why
Rossi's inherent dishonesty is so devastating to those of us who have
followed this field for all these years. Were it not for Defkalion,
"society" could be on the verge of losing this technology altogether. 



From: Mary Yugo 

> It's not so much proven lies as it is constant inconsistencies, vagueness,
tangential answers to obviously relevant and harmless questions, spouting
off about snakes and clowns, and general avoidance of credible answers.  


Well, Mary - "inconsistencies" may be what it is about most recently, but
early-on, it was about big lies. 


Are you saying his denial of culpability in the sordid Petrodragon affair is
not a big lie? Or the money laundering - or the claim that he did not know
that he had a "mail order" degree? Or the many lies about the TEG project?
And, as for Rothwell's rationalization about George Kelly - that is one lie
to cover up another one. Did he misspell Frank Smith as George Kelly? Mass
production in Miami is a lie. The million unit robotic factory is a lie. The
list goes on and on.


I am a bit surprised that Mary has not made a more thorough listing of them
by now, even if some of them are only "inconsistencies", and even if JR is
correct that Rossi has the unique capacity to make the truth sound like a



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