
In reading the CELANI presentation what is striking to me and probably
hardest for everyone, including me to accept even more then the technology
is that between 1995 and 2011 all of those PHDs from all of those
prestigious universities with all that research grant money were only able
to generate tens of watts of power from their reactions and here comes
Rossi with a mail order degree from a now defunct Kensington University and
achieves tens of thousands of watts of power...

Another thing I am struggling with is that on one hand Zawodny says he is
skeptical of LENR in his blog and yet he posts in his youtube video and the
aviation weekly blog that NASA will launch rockets with the technology.  50
Watts will hardly launch a paper airplane.  With an 8 million times
chemical potential I think we should all agree and rename the technology
"Low Efficiency Nuclear Reaction"...

Just having fun, don't flame me...

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