Do you know of any way to enrich Nickel, or any other metal, for a few pennies 
per gram?  Either there is some known way to do this, or Rossi has made a major 
breakthrough (with really, really dangerous WMD overtones), or Rossi is lying.

I have yet to hear of any enrichment method that is within several orders of 
magnitude of what Rossi *must* have, if he's really selling 100g of "fuel" for 

 From: Daniel Rocha <>
Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2012 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Ni-64 enrichment

I don't really see the reason why not enriching Ni62 - Ni64 to 20% would be 
very expensive.That's a purity level 500-5000 lower than those that leave only 
one isotope pure.

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