Shish! I leave for a weekend, and when I return and check my email I find
myself barraged with a pissing contest.


Eff, you install yourself in the Vort Collective and attempt to hijack it
with a personal agenda consumed by revenge that you have been carefully
nursing along for years. You don't like this Greg individual. He did you
wrong and you want to get even. Fine! I get it. We all get it. I don't have
a problem with you wanting to get restitution. I suppose I would too if I
had been in your shoes. 


But then when you openly ridicule individuals like Mr. Rothwell by mouthing
off with commentary like:


> I don't need to ridicule you Jed.

> You are already ridiculous.




> You are not very bright are you Jed.


...and it immediately becomes obvious to me that you don't know WTF you're
talking about. Not only have you allowed yourself to become completely
consumed by your own self-righteous outrage, these very addictive emotions
are now completely controlling your posting behavior. It's been my
experience that few things in life are more self-destructive to the
cultivation of personality than succumbing to the aphrodisiac of
self-righteous outrage. It certainly can be delicious drug in which to
imbibe in. You are out of control, Eff. In my book, that makes you an
authentic TROLL.


Quite frankly, based on your posting behavior I have no desire to know
anything more about you, period. I suspect the benevolent and; mostly
hands-off vortex-l listmeister, Mr. Beaty, will probably get around to
banning you fairly soon because you have clearly and repeatedly violated the
vortex-l rules pertaining to etiquette and common sense.


In the meantime, I've added you to my filter list because quite frankly I
don't need any more of the kind of contribution you continue to bring to
this group.



Steven Vincent Johnson 

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