since defkalion feel that the COP is above 20, no need to have a scientist.

moreover scientist are easy to manipulate (see the books of William
Broad, *Nicholas
Wade)*, so good old tricky engineer would be better.
if you are really paranoid, a good magician/prestidigitator could be a

but with COP>20, assuming good electric measures (UPS is a good idea
because it has hard limits in power, if they are of well known model)

2012/1/24 Peter Gluck <>

> I think the best would be an engineer- salesman like the one who had
> installed my home heater BOSCH 3000W plus a technician specialized
> in radioactivity measurements for an environment protection State
> authorithy.
> A good generator needs NO geniuses to confirm that it works well, I think.

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