
This kind of photon stimulation was of great interest a few years ago and is
known as the "Letts/Cravens effect". They had a tortuous path to get it to a
useful level when at EarthTech. Many null results in the process. "Are we
there yet?" 

At one time they also were saying that a magnetic field adds to the effect.
That is of keen interest as well, if this effect relates to quantum
entanglement, in any way.

Two additional points of interest that jump out to the Ni-H crowd:

1)      This gain from optical stimulation applies to Pd-D. Does it apply
equally to Ni-H?
2)      The highest gain is at ~15 THZ which is a IR emission (near IR)
better known from its wavelength about 1.5 microns. This corresponds to a
blackbody temperature, so the laser only adds coherency.

Actually the third point for interest for Ni-H watchers is derivative. 

If the answer to 1) is yes, then should not the active powder be in the size
range of 2)?

----Original Message-----
From: pagnu...@htdconnect.com 

Along those lines, you might want to read - "PROGRESS ON DUAL LASER

We have continued our experiments using duel laser stimulation of
electrochemically loaded PdD. In earlier work, we used two properly
oriented and polarized tunable diode lasers which provided stimulation at
optical frequencies; interestingly, we found that the excess heat
is sensitive to the beat difference frequency. Low-level thermal signals
are observed to be triggered at apparent resonances when the difference
frequency is 8.3,
15.3 and 20.4 THz

Perhaps, also related is the ultrasonic "Superwave" LENR stimulation used
by Energetics Technologies -
My impression is that their source has a wideband discrete spectrum of
phase-locked frequencies - so that the same stimulus signal is repeatedly

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