First English is not my native language so please forgive the way my phrases 
are structured.
>From reading those fascinating messages on this list, i cannot help but notice 
>that the basics of the magic reaction 
we are all wondering about is really simple after all. 
The right materials in the right geometry, plus a little helping energy and 
voila, bright future ahead.
If it is so simple, then nature must have found a way to utilize this source of 
energy, so maybe we should look again
at the energy balance of some living creatures, hummingbirds comes to mind, 
just dipping their tounge into a little nectar
and up they go flying hundred of Km.
Hummingbirds do something else that you can hear if you are close enough, they 
"sing" a strange chirping sound,
as do insect, in fact most animals produce some kind of sound, frequencies 
should we say ?
And of coures we have music all the time, in our ears and in our minds, don't 
we ?
So maybe Rossi is using a chirping RF generator to get his reactor going... 
Jean Guy Moreau
Quebec, Canada

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