COMPLOT !!! AHHHH......(joke mode)
the FUD is starting to spread, in order to block LENR.

the science is not even validated by the media, and industrially
independently prooved (but soon will), that the agente of FUD are starting
to spread the FUD...

some talk about polution by heat (because nobody see another)...
some talk abou chain reaction, explosions...
some tak about war caused by Nickel hunt...
some talk about change in isotopic ration of H, or even shortage of H...
and now, like AGW, the earthquake...
AHHH it is the punition of God, or Mother Gaïa punishing us for not
restricting our consumption...

you can expect now ...
the electromagnetic waves.... ahhh we will all have cancer....
neutrinos... ahh.... we cannot see them even with a geiger... ahh ... we
will all die...

(end of joke mode)
maybe is it not a joke... maybe is the process on the way...
maybe it is the emerging behavior of a society that have learn to be afraid
of everything,
and lobbies that gain cash on those fear they teach us.

emerging behavior of a gang of rats in a barn full of chickens.

I have said since the beginning of defkalion success, that incumbent will
use th fears
to block that new disruptive technology, and keep today's hierarchy of

be careful, fear is today a political and thus economic tool.

2012/1/27 Daniel Rocha <>

> Coincidence with what?
> 2012/1/27 Michele Comitini <>
>> Just a simple coincidence?
>> look where the epicenter of those (for now) little earthquakes that
>> are shacking the regions below the Alps in the last days.
>> I know that is highly speculative... or maybe not? someone here is
>> able to connect the dot? :-)
>> mic
> --
> Daniel Rocha - RJ

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