Here's a quote from Mary regarding Storms thermocouples:
 If you're going to air cool, you may wish to supplement your temperature 
measurements for calorimetry with heat flux measurements. Heat flux 
transducers, already calibrated, are commercially available (Google is your 
friend). Some are not terribly expensive. In a pinch, you can reverse a Peltier 
(thermoelectric junction) cooling plate in the sense that if you have a heat 
flux through it, it will give an output millivolt signal which is roughly 
linear with the heat flux. However, those are rather insensitive. But they are 
cheap. You can also make a Seebeck effect "envelope" calorimeter using the 
method Storms used. It's tedious but cheap. If you plan on doing that, either 
Jed or I can find you the instructions on line.

Date: Sat, 28 Jan 2012 12:30:48 -0800
Subject: [Vo]:Mary is Outed ???

George Hody is apparently VP of Thermonetics Corp. which ironically makes 
thermistors, calorimeters, thermocouples and so on. IOW - he should know a few 
things about calorimetry.  
OTOH he might not want that association to be known in the context of being a 
frequent critic of a few of his customers.
To wit: Edmond Storms has apparently used Thermonetics calorimeters – at least 
it turns up in a search.
But is this the same guy who is an MD in good standing in San Diego?


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