This is annoying stuff. Years ago I would have tried to answer him but I am
so tired of this nonsense I will not.

This is particularly annoying:

"Re the waste water running down the drain – all nuclear processes create a
long chain of isotopes, many of which have to be unstable and hence
radioactive. To produce 3000 W as claimed would require at least 10 to the
12 reactions per second – leaving gross radioactivity. Scientists measured
none above background."

He knows nothing about cold fusion, and not much about fission reactors.
The cooling water from the secondary loop at a nuclear plant is flushed
into the ocean in Japan, and into the atmosphere in the U.S. The cooling
water flowing through Rossi's device is comparable to the secondary cooling
water in a fission reactor. it goes around the outside of the cell and does
not touch the active material.

- Jed

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