Best candidate yet for locating the home of ET is called GJ 667Cc, probably
a mild tropical water world, where "a month is a year" and it is never dark.

.... That name GJ 667Cc: what a PR disaster. Let's rename it!

"A'dune"?  (anti-Dune) actually Dune was formerly a wet planet IIRC...

It is 4.5 times as massive as Earth and takes roughly 28 days to make one
orbit around its parent star, which is located a mere 22 light-years away
from Earth, in the constellation Scorpius (the Scorpion). Interestingly
enough, the host star is a member of a triple-star system and is a dwarf
star about a third of the mass of the sun so it is probably very reddish.

"This is basically our next-door neighbor... It's very nearby. There are
only about 100 stars closer to us than this one."

So there are no seasons, no real night, lots of gravity. It is probably
watery, mild temps, no arctic no UV light mostly IR. What do you expect from
advanced likeforms??

1)      Small, due to higher gravity
2)      Hairless due to mild temps 
3)      Reptilian water-proof skin with no UV protection
4)      Small lungs due to high pressure
5)      Possibly webbed appendages due to swamp-like evolution

Yep, we've seen 'em here on earth in myth, since the beginning of time, but
hey that only means the "meme" arrived here long ago, and not necessary the
physical ET. 

But that is a minor detail to the true believer...


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