And those of you on both sides of this, including Dr. Schwartz, failed to
see/acknowledge that the 'claims' that Krivit was reporting were QUOTES from
OTHER LENR researchers (W&L???). 


For example:


"New Energy Times had received a tip from a LENR researcher that the gain
was 18 milliwatts."


[Krivit, restating researcher#2]

"Today, another LENR researcher provided us with Swartz's data. The first
researcher was off, but not by much. It was 80 milliwatts, not 18."


[#1 or #2???, not Krivit]

"In 23 years, he has yet to sustain anything more than 1 watt. There is
little in Swartz's work to get excited about."



The second researcher, who provided Swartz's slides today, wrote this
comment to me in an e-mail:


"When you look at the data, you can see, barely, a 1 degree C temperature
rise for about three minutes, using about 12 mW of input power to produce
less than 100 milliwatts of heat. This is not a breakthrough."


So it seems that all of the specific statements that were WRONG, were Krivit
reporting what *others* had told him, HOWEVER, that does not excuse his lack
of careful review to determine whether those statements were accurate or




From: Daniel Rocha [] 
Sent: Sunday, February 05, 2012 9:23 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Comment from Dr Mitchell Schwartz on Krivit


Mitchel is correct. Krivit is making a fool of himself and is unable to
evaluate anything or anyone that does not support WL theory.  He is a
pathetic and idiot sold out.

2012/2/5 Ron Kita <>

Greetings Vortex-L


I saw this posted on Dr Mitchell Schwartz s website on Krivit: 


I am merely a messager.  I am sure that there will be interesting comments.


Ron Kita, Chiralex


Daniel Rocha - RJ


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