For an interesting change of pace, try entering in a few other key
words, like "New Energy Times" and "Widom Larsen"

It would seem NET's 20 minutes of fame may be coming to a close. This
suggests to me that Mr.Krivit will need to find something else in
which to stir the pot with. I'm inclined to suspect stirring the pot
has become the only reporting behavior Mr. Krivit knows how to do in
order to remain noticed. This would especially be the case if Krivit's
hopes and dreams for landing the scoop of the century in regards to a
major Widom Larsen breakthrough (an exclusive scoop I suspect was
probably promised to him) continue to wane. Performing Google
statistics on "Widom Larsen" brings back a similar waning bump.

It would therefore not surprise me to see additional attack reporting
of the kind we've seen of Krivit's previous attempts to insinuate that
Rossi & Co is a fraud.

I still can't get over Krivit's attempt to ridicule Rossi as a muddled
thinker by quoting Andrea's s broken English verbatim, including all
of his inflections. IMHO, that was an incredibly stupid thing for
Krivit to have done. It was at that point that I lost all respect for
Krivit's ability to discern the motivations of others. IMHO, Krivit
needs to work on discerning his own motivations, because if he doesn't
have a handle on his own quirks, he will be incapable of discerning
the motivations of others. Until he does Krivit will constantly be in
danger of reflecting his own unrealized motivations onto the faces of

Anything to stay noticed.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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