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Pioneering the Applications of Interphasal Resonances

For years I was deluded on the subject since I wouldn't let the results speak 
for themselves. It took at least a year before I was able to control the 
runaway chain reaction. I see here that my results are out of context with what 
is seen on the video, but will still make comment. I did many studies, and are 
still involved with car alternator 3 phase circuits driven between 465 and 480 
hz, where I first commenced research. At first I wondered over ten years ago, 
where this is probably archived on my teslafy yahoo group; whether we could use 
the pre-existant alternator output before the field is energized (erroneously 
assumed by the scientific community to be due to remanent magnetism of the 
field rotor) whether that output could be rectified and sent back to the field 
to actually energize the field in a self feedback loop. In my first experiments 
I concluded that it didn't work, and then later I realized why it initially 
didnt appear to work. About a
year or so later I re-performed the experiment and was astounded by the 
observation, which was a runaway chain reaction made by the feedback loop, 
where as I have noted took another year or so where I was able to use water to 
control the chain reaction, as amuzing as that sounds. I was then able to 
control the output of this self regulated machine by simply immersing 
electrodes into the water for the lowest output, or raising the plates out of 
the water for higher output. Believe it or not, the field has a non-linear 
resistance, like water. But this nonlinear behavior only exists at the lowest 
levels of field excitation. This means at the lowest levels of DC amperage 
conduction to the field, it acts as a much higher resistance then its actual 
resistive value. In reality the revolving "electromagnetic" field must first 
equal or match the pre-existant "rotational" magnetic field before it begins to 
add further to the voltage and amperage load effects seen
on the stator output. Generally speaking the voltage on the stator output for 
the unenergized field case is not high enough to cross the barrier presented by 
the non linear field resistance. Additionally we have to rely on diodes to 
convert the AC stator output back into DC for feedback loop back to the field. 
So when we test that circuit, at first it doesnt seem to work,(at the tested 
rpm). So the first time I tested it, it didnt work. But the second time I 
tested it, I left the connections of the feedback loop on for about 30 seconds, 
electrical frankenstein monster that for a year or so could not be controlled 
until the mechanisms for controlling it were learned. But what happened was 
that after thousands of cycles the
voltage would gradually build up until it crossed the non-linear field 
resistance barrier and then once the effect took place it became a runaway self 
feedback loop. Yes technically machines that power their own source can be 
built, but the subsidiary problems to control the chain reaction will be self 
evident. I was actually thinking that I could apply for a patent on this form 
of regulation that I developed, and actually with the current circuits that I 
am working with, this could be tried in a different manner then before, but 
again the chief danger in those tests is the mentioned runaway circuit 
conditions, meaning that you just don't walk out of the room and come back with 
those things because when things go overload you need to shut things down right 
away. This actually happened to me in one instance where I used an overload 
output circuit that accidentally went open circuit and caused the machine to 
start outputing excessive voltages. In answer
to your question then in this alternator context, yes a rotation can be used to 
charge itself, but there are complications involved with the applications. To 
show what can actually be done with  resonant alternator circuits the 
following video shows the unergized field being used to light a 500 volt neon 
bulb, but I have dropped all experimentations involved with instituting that 
mentioned field self feedback  loop. It is not enough to merely have a 
high voltage to use in the feedback loop, the circuit must also be able to 
supply the neccessary amperage for the fields usages. But amazingly in the 
shown circuit using the flux capacitor principle it acts as a "magnifier" in 
that when the neon load is removed, more vibration of amperage ensues 
then  what the equal size inductor that caused its vibration to begin with 
has. I noted this on one of my videos, perhaps I can find that item shown by 
actual experimentation and repost it to vortex. I
will end with the following question that will show the great mistake made in 
the following video...<br>HDN's Time Distortion Theory: The added influence of 
the air core vector made by<br>Lenz law at 1/6 cycle separation causes that 
component to rotate faster on the<br>phase rotation then does the ordinary 
phase rotation established by the line<br>connections. This component of 
continual advancement of the phase rotation cycle<br>after cycle "SEPARATES" 
itself from the ordinary phase rotation made by the line<br>connections 
themselves. However the symmetry of when it opposes the line voltage<br>and 
when it aids that line voltage by rotation does not hold true, and a 
longer<br>time period is found in that rotation when the new slightly higher 
frequency<br>rotating vector aids the voltages normally exhibiting the line 
voltage, compared<br>to when it opposes the line voltage. The net result is 
that more voltage appears<br>on the interphasal outputs then
can be accounted for by the sum of its<br>components vector wise, and we state 
from those results that time reference<br>points of voltage<br>appearance in 
time itself has been expanded. This in turn implies that time<br>itself has 
been converted to voltage rise, and the next step then becomes<br>demonstrating 
this with real ohmic loads rather then mere noble gas discharges.<br><a 
target="_blank"></a><br><br>The grand mistake that I 
made in this video is contained in the following question, which when realized 
will show why my assumptions made in the video were false. I think I will put 
this one an yahoo question and answer....<br><br>In 24 hours from start to 
finish, how many times on a clock does the minute hand cross the hour hand. Get 
your thinking caps on for that one. I will now try to locate the video evidence 
for a magnifier action, where a smaller vibration causes a larger vibration
to be imparted on the ending part, something along the lines of this 
enquiree&nbsp; here and also generally assumed to be impossible. I remember 
that it was just after this above video was made, somewhere in my four video 
demonstration. I will look for this on you tube and post back...

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