An interesting article that posits explanations for why we know when
someone is staring at us (or a goat).


"The postulation of information injection into an observed system by
the observer is pertinent in the sense that even mainstream physics
has reached the point of increasingly viewing the universe as a
holographic information processor.* Information is now viewed as even
more fundamental than energy. In this model information provides the
'bits' that combine to produce what we measure and experience as
energy. "

second excerpt:

"Don't think superluminal speeds are possible? Think again. Pioneering
Russian scientist Nikolai Kozyrev (1908–83) proved decades ago that
torsion fields travel at superluminal speeds, showing that a physical
vacuum/zero-point energy/aether must really exist.(21) His work in
astronomy revealed that by calculating the actual real-time position
of a star or other celestial object and aiming a telescope at where it
should be, his time-flow/torsion detector (built into the telescope)
would register a measurable signal—despite the fact that he shielded
the lens from EM energy and light, and despite the fact that the star
(or other body) was not yet visibly in that position (due to the large
amounts of time light takes to reach us on earth, we are always
looking out at a star's past location, not its present one )."



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