Several of you may find this of interest.


Mark Goldes
Co-founder, Chava Energy
CEO, Aesop Institute
301A North Main Street
Sebastopol, CA 95472

From: Cold Fusion Now []
Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2012 4:45 PM
To: Mark Goldes
Subject: [New post] ARPA-E answers questions about fullfilling their mission

New post on Cold Fusion Now
by Ruby Carat<>

The House Committee on Space, Science, and Technology's Subcommittee on 
Investigations and Oversight held a hearing on January 24, 2012 to review the 
efforts of the Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E), a 
Department of Energy (DOE) agency tasked with funding cutting-edge energy 
research “in areas that industry by itself is not likely to undertake because 
of technical and financial uncertainty.”

According to the Subcommittee press 
 the Government Accountability Office (GAO) and the Department of Energy 
Inspector General's (IG) office both issued reports that found ARPA-E funding 
practices and procedures appearing to veer from this mission.

In particular, the GAO's Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy Could Benefit 
from Information on Applicants’ Prior Funding reported that

12 of the 18 companies it identified as having received private sector funding 
prior to their ARPA-E award planned to use ARPA-E funding to either advance or 
accelerate prior-funded work. Further, Chairman Broun noted, “Similarly, a 
review of GAO work papers and publicly available information indicates numerous 
instances of overlap and duplication between ARPA-E and both public and private 
sector funding.”

In addition, DOE’s Office of the Inspector General (IG) released its own audit 
in August 2011 that focused on “whether ARPA-E implemented safeguards necessary 
to achieve its goals and objectives and to effectively deploy associated 
Recovery Act resources.”

Two of the three awards examined in detail by the IG had questionable costs of 
$280,387. Included among these costs were “meetings with bankers to raise 
capital” and a “fee to appear on a local television show.” Despite concerns 
regarding these uses of taxpayer dollars, the DOE IG noted in its report that 
such activities were cited as an allowable cost by ARPA-E under its Technology 
Transfer and Outreach policy.


ARPA-E, DOE IG, and GAO each testified.

Testifying were Dr. Arun Majumdar, Director, Advanced Research Projects Agency 
– Energy, U.S., Gregory Friedman, Inspector General, U.S. Department of Energy 
and Mr. Frank Rusco, Director, Energy and Science Issues, U.S. Government 
Accountability Office.


Roscoe Bartlett


Dana Rohrabacher

This particular Sub-committee has members such as Representatives Roscoe 
Bartlett, who has championed the Peak Oil issue in the House for years, though 
to deaf ears, and Dana Rohrabacher, who spoke out in support of Drs. 
Fleischmann and 
 twenty-three years ago.

The Chairman of the Subcommittee, Paul Broun said in his statement that

“while it is clear many ARPA-E projects are pursuing high-quality, potentially 
transformative research that is too risky for private investment, reviews of 
GAO work papers and publicly available information reveal many exceptions to 
this practice, and raise questions regarding ARPA-E’s commitment to ‘carefully 
structure its projects to avoid any overlap with public and private sources of 

Specifically, the reports detail information showing that:

Numerous awardees indicated to GAO they would use ARPA-E funding to accelerate 
work they were already pursuing.

Numerous awardees’ proposals overlap and even duplicate efforts supported 
elsewhere in DOE and other Federal agencies.

The Administration touted ARPA-E awardees that received private sector funding 
after their ARPA-E award as proof that ARPA-E is working and successful; 
however, ten of these eleven recipients had also received significant private 
sector funding prior to receiving their award, raising questions regarding the 
degree to which the ARPA-E award itself was the driver of the follow-on funding.

Of the 44 identified small- and medium-size companies that received ARPA-E 
awards, a review of shows that 26, or 59 percent, of these 
companies received other funding from the Federal government.

Over 60 percent of proposals funded by ARPA-E sought to advance technology to 
Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 6 and beyond—the late stage technology 
demonstration and system commissioning and operation that is regularly 
supported by the private sector.

ARPA-E's response, included in the GAO report, rationalized the actions.


The full Staff Report to Chairman Broun’s statement 
The GAO's Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy Could Benefit from 
Information on Applicants’ Prior Funding report is available 
The DOE IG's Audit report is available 

The IG report states "The goals of ARPA-E are to enhance domestic economic 
security through the development of energy technologies and to ensure that the 
United States maintains a technological lead in developing and deploying 
advanced energy technologies."

The small amount of federal funding for cold fusion research has come largely 
from Department of Defense agencies. Civilian funding would come from the 
Department of Energy's ARPA-E office, but so far they have refused to even 
acknowledge the two-decades long body of science, violating their stated 

At this point, it appears private sector funding will carry the development of 
this revolutionary new energy technology into the future - only after the first 
steps in commercial products begin appear on the market. Till then, the small, 
self-funded companies will continue to struggle in their effort to bring forth 
the answer to many of our energy problems.

And at that point, the DOE will realize they've been playing in Bonanzaland 
instead of readying for the Space Age.

Cold Fusion Now!

Related Links

Members Question Oversight and Administration of ARPA-E House Science, Space 
and Technology Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight Press 
 January 24, 2012

"Suburbia lives imaginatively in Bonanza-land." -- Marshall McLuhan The Man, 
His Message CBC 

Reviewing DoD Interest in Cold Fusion by Ruby Carat Cold Fusion Now November 

Letters to Congressional Sub-committees repeat hearings request by Ruby Carat 
November 13, 

Letter to the Secretary of Energy and others by Ruby Carat October 14, 

Letter to ARPA-E by Ruby Carat August 17, 
2010<> - one of 
our early efforts at contacting DOE.

Ruby Carat<> | February 9, 
2012 at 4:44 PM | Categories: 
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