There is a fun website that generates random Berlusconi (the former Italian
prime minister obsessed with power, money and women) talk. He has a very
characteristic talk with typical sentences about how he is the best in
every field and who is attacking him has to be a communist, gay or Muslim.

I'm thinking to make a similar webpage for Rossi talk. It will randomly
generate paragraphs filled with snakes, puppets, clowns working together to
curtail efforts in any area of relevance in mankind progress.

I think it could be very enlightening and a lot of fun.

On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 9:50 AM, Robert Leguillon <> wrote:

>  The question was eventually asked, and skirted on Rossi's
> Q:
>  Bill Conley
> February 16th, 2012 at 10:27 
> AM<>
> Mr. Rossi,
> Several months ago you said that although your first 1MW plant client
> wished to remain confidential, a second client was willing to be publicly
> identified and we would hear about them soon. Several months have passed
> and we have heard no more about this second client. Can you give us an
> update. We would love to be able to hear the experience of a real E-Cat
> user, something that we can only dream about at this point.
> Thanks and best wishes on your very important work.
> A:
> Andrea Rossi
> February 17th, 2012 at 9:27 
> AM<>
> Dear Bill Conley:
> With the puppet snakes, the greek clowns and other vultures around I have
> to protect our Customers from any kind of internet assault, so I have to be
> very closed in this period. Our Customers are working in peace, we too, our
> patents are going through, and when we will put our product in the massive
> market, well protected by our patents and by very cheap prices, your dreams
> to see an E-Cat working in your house will be reality.
> In this moment I would just give free information to the hordes of wannabe
> competitors.
> Warm Regards,
> A.R.
> ________________________
> Just to be clear, there is no problem proposing the initial question on
> vortex.  Sometimes, everyone forgets the minutiae, and deadlines pass
> unchallenged.  I'd honestly forgotten about Rossi's claim to a "public
> customer" until it resurfaced recently.
> /pulling out soapbox/
> It is asking the same question repeatedly, demanding an answer, that
> quickly devolves into general sneering.  Though it may not be obvious at
> first glance, there is a wide spectrum from belief-to-skepticism here.
> Especially with Rossi.  Everyone weighs out the evidence on their own, and
> comes to their own conclusion.  More recently, some expect to "save
> everyone from mass delusion", but fail the simple task of querying the
> vortex archive to see if the issue has been previously addressed.

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