There are reports decades before F&P about cold fusion, Filimonenko Ivan
Stepanovich for example...

On Sat, Feb 18, 2012 at 6:34 AM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> Nigel Dyer <> wrote:
>> Over Christmas I met someone whilst out on a walk, got chatting, and
>> found that they had been working on Palladium/Hydrogen systems in the
>> 1960's, and had become aware that there was something odd going on.  . . .
> In his book, Mizuno said every electrochemist knew there were puzzling
> thermal and nuclear anomalies with palladium deuterides. He himself
> observed several. However, he eventually dismissed them as experimental
> errors. He gives full credit to F&P for following up on these things and
> producing them with far higher s/n ratios and reproducibility. He says this
> discovery is theirs, and theirs alone.
> - Jed

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