----- Original Message -----
> Summary : could be an LENR effect -- Lead+H 
> a) Lead -- but I can't find any reports of Lead in LENR (except in the
> solder on the terminals).

Turns out Lead-Hydrogen is ... interesting :

Localized modes of oscillation in hydrogen and deuterium doped lead

    * B.W. Nedrud∗,  D.M. Ginsberg

    * a Department of Physics and Materials Research Laboratory 1110 West Green 
Street USA
    * b University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, IL 61801 USA

We have measured the tunneling characteristics of quench-condensed films of 
pure Pb, hydrogen-doped Pb, and deuterium- doped Pb. We have determined phonon 
spectra to fit the electronic densities of states calculated from our data. The 
phonon spectra for Pb/H and Pb/D exhibit additional phonon peaks which we 
associate with a localized mode (or modes) of the impurity. The magnitudes of 
the peaks indicate that this mode is strongly coupled to the electronic system.

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 Fusion Engineering and Design (2010)
Volume: 85, Issue: 7-9, Pages: 1225-1228

The permeation process of hydrogen isotopes through Li0.17Pb0.83 has been 
investigated experimentally. We obtained the overall D permeation rates that 
take into consideration of the effects of the H-D isotopic exchange reaction on 
the surface and diffusion in the Li-Pb layer. It was proved that the 
rate-determining step was not the surface reaction but the diffusion in the 
Li-Pb bulk.


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