Beware of consensus in science. Bad memory.
I hesitate between moaning and laughing.
and funnily after a period of careful neutrality WMO seems to enter, late,
the club of pathologic consensus...

The temperature have not increased since 13 years, and they succeed in
pretending it is accelerating (I imagine they use convenient averaging).
Comment on Ice seems to ignore recent analysis that couple the melting
planned with non observed past melting (one imply the other so, since it
did not happened, it won't happen)...
the melting of icecap have been recently dividend by 10 by reanalysing
GRACE data planet-wide , avoiding boundary mistakes... last explanation for
missing hot spot, fall apart...
MWP is now confirmed from north pole to south pole... extreme alarmist
sensibilities >3 have been found impossible...

but in the official review, in the media, in the science tabloid, the
"official truth" is spread despite inconvenient facts.
The same denial of scientific papers, manipulation of peer review is proved
in that domain, like it is now proven in CF domain...

"AGW is proved true" is of the same vein as "CF is proved fraud".
Eugene Mallove would be furious to see what happens to science...

Anyway we don't care, LENR solve the problem. it will avoid a battle, and
both camp will say "I was right".
Maybe occidental countries will refuse to use LENR, but Asia, and Africa
will, and no patent, no precaution principle, will prevent them to reinvent
or copy...

2012/3/28 Jed Rothwell <>

> Not good. See:
> This came to my attention because someone linked a response to
> - Jed

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