I got my test book "Electronic Project" published.  Now that I know I can do it 
I am working on Elementary Antigravity II.
the intro is pasted below and I hope to have it done by July.

Frank Z

That you for purchasing “Elementary Antigravity”, The Kindleaddition.  This 
work is a follow up onthe original “Elementary Antigravity” The original was 
printed in 1989, by Vantage Press, and has long agosold out.  A lot has 
happened since thefirst printing .  Only the cover remainsas a legacy of the 
original book.  Thissecond addition includes the prior material and reviews the 
many developmentsthat have taken place since the first printing.
There are two schools of thought as to where mankind isheading.  The first 
school of thought, asforeseen climate scientist James Lovelock, predicts that 
we are rapidly headingtowards a global calamity.  The calamitywill be triggered 
by the triple whammy of climate change, population increase,and the depletion 
of the fossil fuels.  Lovelock’sGaia Hypothesis predicts that within 100 years, 
the only places on Earth thatwill be inhabitable will be the poles.  
The second school of thought, as foreseen by Peter Diamandis , predicts that 
weare heading into an age of abundance. This age will be ushered in by a rapid 
increase in the capabilities ofcomputer and medical technologies.  Fred Pearce 
in his book, “The ComingPopulation Crash”, has revealed that societies, that 
respect woman’s rights andprovide accommodations for child care, maintain 
stable populations..   Indeedthe dire predictions within Paul Ehrlich’s 1968 
book, “The Population Bomb” didnot take place.
The author believes that the age of abundance can acquired, butonly through the 
development of dramatic, new , non-polluting, and abundantenergy sources.  New 
space propulsion technologiesthat would liberate us from the bounds of this 
planet would also be a nice plus.  The classical control of the 
electromagneticforce has produced this current age of wonder.  Frank Znidarsic 
predicts that new technologiesthat classically control all four of the natural 
forces, will propel mankindinto Peter Diamandis’ singularity.“ .Elementary 
Antigravity” Kindle additionreveals what has emerged with this technology and 
it details the science throughwhich the singularity be achieved. 

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