Von:Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
An: vortex-l@eskimo.com; vortex-l@eskimo.com 
Gesendet: 17:24 Mittwoch, 11.April 2012
Betreff: Re: [Vo]:New Lattice Energy presentation

I'm not concerned with the "official
record," per se. However, well-reported research is not the same as
unsubstantiated rumor. "Proprietary information" is fine, for
business. It is practically worthless for science, unless shared. If Widom and
Larsen were to report their findings, if they have any, in attempts to confirm
their theory, I'd accept those findings as "testimony," and the
common-law principle is that testimony is presumed true unless controverted.

But we don't have any of that.

If you are concerned with real science, start
to get your hands dirty. It will be necessary.

This is an important point.
Science itself has already its inner problems --the role of peers, 
in-group conformance, etc.

Financing of research by industry, issuing patents by a cluster of
(researcher-university-industry) makes the problem substantially more

Then there are the secret-'saucegers', which establish their own companies,
because they smell big money, or at least want to be compensated for their
Eg Rossi basically seems to be a quack, who does a disservice to the community.
Now Piantelli issued three patents and has his own company.
Good for him.
From a scientific point of view this definitely diminishes his credibility.

Science, as we learned it, is about reducing the SUBJECT to some entity, which
opens itself, and what ‘it’ does to intersubjective verification. Right?
Not surrounding itself with secret sausages and patents and other crap.
Ultimately only a small lot of good AND honest researchers remain.
A handful.

One has to identify them. Who are they? Considering the weaknesses, most of us
have, this is difficult.
Some of us even make errors. Which puts us into the hell of eternal ignorance.

(not so with economists, it seems)

The capitalist conception of 'innovation' seems to be seriously challenged by
something like LENR.
It slows down inovation , even eventually stopping it altogether, eg  if
the innovation reduces profit.
Remember:  Capitalism is not about making
a better world, but maximizing profit.
Which seem to be two fundamentally differently animals.

Call this a conspiracy, a collective self-enforcing delusion, an autoimmune
societal-reaction, the parasite taking over the brain of  its host.
Does not matter.

From an engineering perspective, these are self-inhibiting forces.

This as a warning to the good people, who believe that LENR would lead to
instant Karma.


Abd ul, you are a most valuable
person in the field.

Keep on enlightening us.


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