>From Jed:

> See:
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/in-a-first-north-korea-tells-its-people-about-a-failure/2012/04/13/gIQA4g8WET_story.html
> "[T]his time, unlike after previous failures, North Korea didn’t manufacture
> a tale about a technological triumph and a satellite spinning around the
> globe. Roughly four hours after the Unha-3 rocket fell apart, Pyongyang’s
> state-run news agency released a brief statement saying that the 'earth
> observation satellite failed to enter its preset orbit.' A news anchorwoman
> then read the statement on domestic television."
> Maybe things have changed a little.

My take:

By coming clean it removes the working class with another reason to
distrust what the ruling class tells them day in and day out. I'm sure
the potential pro/con ramifications of such an official announcement
were strategically thought out.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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