> From Akira,
> > I forgot to add that all this information came from 22passi:
> > http://22passi.blogspot.it/2012/04/latomo-inesplorato-torino-4-maggio-2012.html
> Jones sez:
> > Fabulous cover-art image - reminiscent of a Serpinski fractal
> > - Menger sponge. etc. Metaphorical to the Casimir-instigated
> > Ni-H reaction of Roarty, et al. Anyone know the artist?
> The link is blocked where I work.
> Can anyone copy a piccy of the cover-art to a less offensive
> link?
> Regards
> Steven Vincent Johnson
> www.OrionWorks.com
> www.zazzle.com/orionworks

See if you can go to http://1proxy.de
Then type the link in from there.

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