Xavier Luminous <xavier.lumin...@googlemail.com> wrote:

Not telling others you are gay isn't living a lie, it's just nobody's damn
> business but your own.

I agree, this is a personal matter.

My only objection to T. A. Randi is that he knows nothing about this
subject yet he pontificates about it as if he does.

Robert Park *does* know something about cold fusion, despite the fact that
he claims he has never read a paper about it. He has met with cold fusion
researchers. He knows a great deal about physics. So do people such as
Huizenga and Garwin. I think they are much worse than Randi or other mass
media figure such as "science reporters" like Lemonick or Gibbs who know
nothing about science. I don't blame silly people for being ignorant or
mistaken. I blame smart people who should be careful, and who should know

The usefulness of harsh critics in science has been exaggerated. A good
scientist is his own harshest critic. As Martin Fleischmann says, "it is
the easiest thing in the world to convince yourself you have nothing."

Third rate scientists sometimes fool themselves into thinking that an
instrument artifact is a real effect. Such mistakes are easily discovered
by others. We don't need harsh critics to look for such things. A polite,
respectful critique is called for.

- Jed

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