-----Original Message-----
From: Akira Shirakawa
Ron Kita wrote:

> Greetings Vortex-L,
> Was wondering : Quo Vadis- Krivit ???

His last message is from yesterday.

"Mission Complete"

So... to "deconstruct" Steve - what (precisely) was his original "mission":

1) to promote LERN by publicizing the true successes?
2) to expose the con-men like Rossi?
3) to land a real job in journalism ?
4) to land a real job as PR/management of a successful company in the field?

OK. This could be waaay off-base, but my best guess is that given SK has
skills and interests that correspond with 4) above, including more
scientific expertise than many give him credit for ... and given he resides
in the same area I do which is also where Brillouin is located ... and given
BEC has an operating theory kinda like W-L which he is enamored with, then
it would not surprise me at all to hear that he has jumped onto their team.
(or else another player in the SF Bay area that is under the radar).

The point that argues against this possibility is that SK did "slime"
McKubre in the past in NET, and as I recall it was over the 4He issue, and
MM is a pivotal player and on the BEC board, but maybe there was an apology
mixed in there somewhere ... but quien sabe? 


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