Keef, or whoever you are.

STOP this hijacking of the Vortex Site.

If you have a beef with Greg Watson, then take him to court.  It seems you 
already have and lost.  I'm sorry for your lost but that is not the 
collective's problem.  Do not drag us in the mud. Go Away.

As I see it, if you are stupid enough to be scammed, then that is not our 
fault.  Accept it.  If you are smart, you wouldn't have allowed yourself to be 
scammed by Greg Watson.  Nothing can be served by this incessant trolling on 
this site.


PS.  Bill, can we ban this guy?  He is ruining your fine forum.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Greg Watson 
  To: Vortex 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2012 12:56 AM
  Subject: [Vo]:Re: Magnetic motor generators

  Hi Guys
  We have been informed that a company named Eagle Research is in violation of 
patents owned by my company Watson Alternative Neutron Kinetics P/l

  See text below....

  "As soon as we have enough money to build and test the prototypes (see 
sidebar thermometer), I must SHUT OFF this offer.  This is the agreement that 
the inventor and I have made.  Eagle-Research will make plans available again 
ONLY if he and I come to a new agreement AFTER the testing is done.
  Only the people who make this donation now will continue to have access to 
the Eagle-Research Nowling Motor Resources and any continuing research after 
the shut off. 
  So... if you want the full plans (and access to later updates), this may be 
your only chance.  And it will CERTAINLY be your only chance at this price.  
Once tested, and if the plans work, the price will be much higher.
  We are providing the plans by donation BECAUSE they are not tested or proven 
in any way.  We are giving you everything we know to date, partly to obtain the 
funding we need to build and test a prototype but also to get the plans out 
into at least 300 hands in case they DO WORK!  So Vested Interest can't stop 
THIS Free Energy technology.
  The funds you provide will reimburse expenses already incurred and then pay 
for the time, prototype parts, assembly, testing, customer corespondence and 
posting a report to the Resources.  The budget for all of this is $4000.  
  You can donate more than once by putting a higher number in the quantity 
field below. 
  I am commited to proceeding with the project as soon as the $4000 goal is 

  .Eagle-Research will shortly be receiving a legal summonds from our legal 
  This is a blatant attempt to duplicate my Rotary Smot Overunity Levitation 
Energiser -  ( R.SOLEā„¢)  invention which is protected by over 19 International 
patents and has already been marketed around the world and generated several 
million dollars in revenue for Watson Alternative Neutron Kinetics P/l
  We will have no hesitation in prosecuting those in violation of the 
Intellectual Property rights which are tightly held by our company.
  I am greatly disappointed that any company would seek to rip off my invention 
which represents over 400 man-years of cutting edge technology at the coal face 
of engineering research aimed to break the monopoly held by big oil and flat 
panel solar companies.

  My legal team has assured me that I am 100% certain to win this case and be 
awarded many millions of dollars in damages.
  I intend to donate all the proceeds to worthy causes such as  underprivileged 
airline passengers  who are forced to travel in economy class and stay in 4 
star hotels.

  I would like to take this opportunity of thanking all those members of Vortex 
who have given me financial support in perfecting my SMOT marketing scheme 
which the first major commercial success for our company and allowed us to move 
forward with the SunBall (Mark 1 to 73) and also the SunCube (Mark 5to 87)

  Best Regards
  Greg Watson

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