
Hopefully, costs of made-to-spec nanoparticles is coming down.
It would make Patterson-cell/Miley experiments easier to do.

Axil wrote:
> Prebuilt nanowires
> Reference:
> This patent describes how to build single walled nanotubes that enclose
> foreign material.
> The procedures described in this patent may allow the fabrication of a
> catalytic one-dimensional nano-powder that will produce a thermionic based
> cold fusion reaction if my associated theory is close to the mark. This
> powder may be mass produced in a factory in bulk and added to a transition
> metal nano-powder before it is loaded ino a cold fusion reaction chamber.
> The nano-powder would enclose cesium, potassium or another thermionic
> alkali metal.
> This procedure would take the guesswork and uncertainty out of catalyst
> behavior.
> Here is a video of how the atoms in the nanowire will look.
> Cheers: Axil

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