At 12:19 PM 5/26/2012, Harvey Norris wrote:
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This measurement showed in the video is the most important measurement ever made regarding relativity, besides that of the eclipse of the sun verifying Einstein's concepts. It furthermore shows that it is not necessary to make astronomical measurements to show the principles involved with relativity, and that machines exhibiting a "localized" time space curvature are indeed possible.
Topological Evidence of Time Distortion in the 666 Machine
Biography: Founder of Tesla Research Group
nventor of the 666 machine, a special torsional device that can either expand or compress the time periods acting between the three phases of a three phase power source. This utilyses a higher dimensional vector expressed in the 3D space, whereas the vectors of ordinary three phase machines will show their resultant voltages plotted as vectors in time as a 2D flat diagram. 3 dimensional representation of voltage vectors in time are necessary to show the results of the 666 machine's operation. If we try to represent them in the conventional manner employed with a 2D vector diagram; we wind up with the quandary of a 3rd resultant vector solution appearing to exist as two different vectors on that 2D vector diagram. By cutting out the piece of pie between these two vector solutions: and then folding the entire diagram into a 3D cone shape by connecting the two solutions into a single solution; we now have a 3D vector system to show the actions of the
 machine by its plotted vectors. [...etc.]

I'm going to point out the obvious that often doesn't get pointed out. Harvey, if you don't realize how insane you will seem, with what you write, by most of us, you don't understand enough about other people to successfully communicate with them.

So what are you attempting to accomplish?

None of this means you are "wrong." It does probably mean that whether or not you are right or wrong is irrelevant, it won't make any difference at all.

Now, I'm going to suggest a bypass, a way that if you should actually be "right," could get around the communication barrier. If you can convince *one other person*, who is knowledgeable and cogent, that your work is worth looking at, who will represent it to others, you will have made a major step forward. If you can't do this, though, the most I could suggest is that you write it down, maybe it will be discovered by future generations. If you want to see results in your lifetime, you'll need to do something much more than write as you have been writing.

And it's far more likely -- just my personal impression -- that you don't actually know what you are doing. But I'm not inspired to follow you enough to find out either where you are right or where you are wrong.

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