Chemical Engineer <> wrote:

Many of the big oil companies dabble in renewable energy because they do
> not feel threatened by it.  kW/Mw scale LENR if/when it is proven may get
> ignored by big energy much like Kodak did with digital cameras.

I have often predicted this will happen. Established companies seldom
notice an existential threat until it is too late. That is our best hope,

Companies sometimes fail to notice a threat even when it comes from a major
corporation. For example, Research in Motion did not notice that the iPhone
was going to eat their lunch until it was too late. The most extreme case
was IBM circa 1985. They did not recognize that their own product, the IBM
PC, was beginning to undermine a large part of their existing business. By
the time they noticed they were on the brink of bankruptcy.

- Jed

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