
I find it revealing that many if not all of the experiments showing signs
of cold fusion activity include compounds which demonstrate a very low work

This is significant because these compounds can generate positive
electrostatic charge accumulation on their own accord without any external
electric potential applied. These thermionic materials will expel electrons
from their surface leaving positive charge accumulation behind.

A good example is calcium oxide: a potent and possibly the best thermionic
material around. Its work function varies from about a minuscule 2.0 to as
little as .7 based on conditions and temperature.

My opinion is that this coherent positive charge accumulation is one of the
important underlying causes of cold fusion.

Cheers:  Axil

On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 4:16 PM, <> wrote:

> Lewis Larsen has very recently posted a new paper --
> "Electroweak Neutron Production via e+p---n+v and Capture during Lightning
> Discharges"
> Larsen is making testable predictions.
> He proposes that since lighting discharges involve dense, coherent, intense
> electron currents, they should create thermal neutrons (via W-L theory
> electron capture e+p -- n+v) that result (after ~ 4 billion years) in the
> nitrogen and oxygen isotopic mixtures that exist today. He also cites the
> transmutations seen in exploding tungsten wire experiments.
> Can Larsen's theory be tested by placing several devices such as ---
>                      |      +-- INSULATING BOX
>     LIGHTNING ROD ---|      |
>                      |      V
>  ____________________|_________________
>  ||-------------------+----------------||
>  ||                   |                ||
>  ||                   |                ||  W = Tungsten wires
>  ||                   |W               ||      (variable sizes)
>  ||            W      |          W     ||
>  ||      +------+-----+----- ...----+  ||  NNN = N-rich molecules
>  ||      |      |     |             |  ||  OOO = O-rich molecules
>  ||      |      |     |             |  ||
>  ||      |      |     |    spark    |  ||
>  ||      =      =     =  -- gaps--  =  ||
>  ||      |      |     |             |  ||  Spark gaps with varying
>  ||      |      |     |             |  ||  sizes and geometries
>  ||      +------+-----+----- ...----+  ||
>  ||            W      |          W     ||
>  ||                   |                ||
>  ||  NNN              |          OOO   ||
>  ||-------------------+----------------||
>  ---------------------|------------------
>                      |
>                    -----
>                     \ / GND
>                      V
> --- at points where lightning strikes are very common, e.g.,
>    forest park watch towers, radio towers, sky scrapers, ...?
> This would only require access to a machine shop, and a fee to a mass
> spectrometry lab.
> If design and theory are correct, W, N, O transmutations could occur.
> Possibly, just a few free-standing gapped W-lightning rods would suffice.
> Does anyone know if the Proton-21 results presented in --
> "A Review of Transmutation and Clustering in Low Energy Nuclear Reactions"
> - Prelas, Miley, et al,
> -- could be checked this way?
> While a negative result would not be completely definitive, a positive one
> would certainly be.
> --- Lou Pagnucco

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