I meant to say I am sure a 1,600 acre strip mine would NOT produce 110 MW
continuously for a century. I did a rough estimate here which bears that
out. The strip mine will last 10 to 30 years at best.

After the strip mine is closed down it will be a toxic wasteland, whereas
after the CPS is closed down it will be exactly the same as it was before.

Uranium mines are no better. It is a myth the fission power plants are
compact. That is only true if you fail to account for 99% of the space the
fission system as a whole takes up. The fission plant itself is compact,
but the rest of the system takes up lots of space. When it explodes from
hydrogen the way the Fukushima plants did, it suddenly takes up the land
that 90,000 people lived on, a significant fraction of all the land in

To say that coal or fission takes up little space compared to solar or
wind is a lot like saying that cars take up little space. Your car, sitting
in your driveway takes up only a little space. The roads needed to make
your car into a useful transportation system take up more land area than
the entire state of Georgia.

- Jed

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