20120616  11:49

Sterling Allan sometimes reminds me of a -blind- hen picking randomly in all 
sorts of directions.

You never know.

See eg here:

This is such a standard scam that one wonders.
Very often the scammers believe their own figments.
The power of belief going wild.
Obviously S.A. has no idea what the TUEV certifies:
Safety, NOT the claim itself.
Eg stated here, which basically applies to all certification-bodies: 

...A product might be verified to comply with a specification or stamped with a 
specification number. This does not, by itself, indicate that the item is fit 
for any particular use. ...

This is a trap Allan does not seem to be aware of.
Safety (as testified eg by UL, as claimed in Rossi's case, does NOT imply 
proper function )

Most easily a placebo can be certified as 'safe'.

It is a pity that those cannot be patented anymore.

To Allan's defense I would say that he still seems to have some residual 
critical mind, which weeds out the most absurd claims.
At times, at least.


Hello group,

I was skimming through several recent links on LENR-related news entries/blog 
posts, when I found this on PESN:


I'm referring to this excerpt in particular:

> Exhibit 4

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