This subject thread (which is mostly "on topic") and for which Mark is
guilty of instigating, got me to thinking...

For centuries a plethora of meticulously crafted scientific physics
experiments seem to confirm over and over the fact that we live in a closed
system. This has resulted in an almost sacred collection of laws supported
by the scientific establishment. Those laws state we cannot create or
destroy what currently exists. Granted, what exists can be transformed from
one state to another... but what we currently inherited (presumably from
the Big Bang) is all that was bequeathed to us - forever and ever.

It would appear that Nature, the Grand Designer that She is, put a lot of
thought into assembling such a design. After all, if the CoE of the
universe were less than one, existence would have come to a screeching halt
billions of years go in one gigantic freezing crunch. Game over! What'l we
do now!  OTOH, if the CoE of the universe were greater than one, the
existence of everything would constantly be in a state of explosion. Again,
Game over. What'l we do now! Science tends to be conservative. As such,
it's not surprising that science seems to prefer keeping CoE of the
universe pegged at a safe and mostly harmless value of one.

But now, the scourge of Dark Energy has entered the picture. What a problem
child she is! Suddenly the universe appears to be blowing up, albeit in
extreme slow motion.

What IS this Dark Energy? Is it possibly sneaking in from somewhere else -
outside the boundaries of our universe? Perhaps we'll eventually stumble
across another component, a component not yet discovered that takes it all
back. If so, will it re-balance the equation?

Will Dr. Mills' audacious CQM theory, with its oscillating universe
template, eventually come to the rescue?

In the end maybe the only recourse we will have left will be to continue
taking a closer look at the endless riddles Mother Nature seems to throw in
our direction. Whoever implied that the Universe doesn't have a sense of
humor should have his head examined.

Again, I'm procrastinating. Back to work...


Steven Vincent Johnson <>

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