On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 8:10 AM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:

 A thought just occurred to me.  Maybe the fact that we have not discovered
> radio signals from any of these aliens is a strong suggestion that there is
> an alternate superior method of communication that we will discover within
> the next few years, assuming that we progress as others have.  This is all
> the more reason for us to adequately fund new unknown energy sources.
> Dave

I like that thought.

To further flesh out the idea about the novel form of EM radiation
communication, imagine a GIF image of the Mona Lisa.  It looks just like
any other such image, but some of the pixels have a slightly different
color.  The modification is subtle enough that the human eye won't be able
to see the difference.  And if the encoding is done very cleverly, even
very good computer algorithms won't be able to pick it out.  But if you
have the public key, you can run the image through decompression software
and get a message out. The encoding scheme could involve the colors in the
image as they relate to other colors, for example.

Now imagine doing this with radio communication across a spectrum.  The
"image" in this case is whatever is passing through the transceiver at that
moment.  Since we're using a lot of redundancy in the encoding of the
information, we can afford to make the modifications to the incoming signal
very slight.  You might be able to get away with such a scheme with every
little power consumed in relaying the modified signal -- I'm just guessing
here, but perhaps it could be more energy efficient to transmit information
this way.  And there could be different "channels" -- low frequencies
together with their harmonics, which you could use for things like error
correction.  This seems like something that might already be possible.  I
wonder if militaries already have something like it.

The quantum entanglement idea is an interesting one.


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