
I found a page discussing the properties of SWNTs and it mentions that 
"Metallic" SWNTs exhibit "Long Coherence Lengths".

>From the page:

"Numerous experiments on SWNTs and MWNTs allowed to gain additional 
informations. At low temperatures, SWNTs behave as coherent quantum wires where 
the conduction occurs through discrete electron states over large distances. 
Transport measurements revealed that metallic SWNTs show extremely long 
coherence lengths and that the presence of defects or disorder has little 
influence on electron conduction. This is not the case for semi-conducting 
SWNTs, which show far shorter coherence lengths. "

Is this the same concept you were referring to in your post about charge 
accumulation in 1D structures.  If so, it appears that SWNTs are better than 
MWNTs; specifically Metallic SWNTs appears to be the right allotropes that 
would enchance Charge accumulation.

And since, arc discharge generators normally produce a mixture of Metallic and 
Semiconducting SWNTs, it would explain the "hit and miss" results we been 
getting with Cold Fusion.

If this is correct, tuning the reactor to bias its production towards Metallic 
SWNTs should increase power production in LENR.

Any ideas how to do this?  I understand that doping the anode with Fe or Ni 
powders increases the production of SWNTs, I can tune my reactor towards SWNT 
production, but it seems, nobody knows how to tune production of the Metallic 
SWNTs variety over the Semiconducting Variety.  That is, Armchair nanotubes as 
opposed to ZigZag or other chirals.

Just thinking out loud here, but do you think the size of the Fe or Ni 
nanopowders used as catalyst seed material might influence the creation of 
Armchair SWNTs.

Can you direct me to papers about SWNT charge accumulation.



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