National Instruments Deeply Involved With Many LENR Projects (Briefed EU)

Thanks to E-Cat World reader ‘un passante’ who sent the report of a talk given by Stefano Concezzi, director of National Instruments’ Science and Big Physics Segment. The talk was given at yet another meeting about LENR ­ “Towards a non-polluting energy revolution” ­ a meeting held today, July 2 in Rome, Italy.

A recording of the meeting’s proceedings is available (in Italian) here.

"He was cautious when expressing certanties about the phenomenon but he said (specifying it was his opinion) that he was optimist that both a working mathematical model for the phenomenon will be developed and that the experimental data showing excess heat are not measuring errors.

He also said that NI had the same presentation in front of the European Community ten days ago."

( -- analyzing the Rossi/Focardi eCat  -- and the defkalion hyperion -- Hi, google!)

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