I'm learning more and more how different the worlds of quantum mechanics
and high energy physics are from that of everyday experience.

There's been an ongoing discussion about the viability of "active gamma
suppression," or the quenching of gammas, during a LENR reaction.  This is
an interesting question because its outcome tells us something about the
kinds of reactions that are possible in light of the available experimental
evidence.  In this context the question of the viability the quenching of
gammas under any circumstances is an important one.  I'm starting to
collect a number of interesting articles and links that seem to be relevant
here, which I hope to put together in an email at some point.  But before I
do that I wanted to share this particular link, which seems promising:

"Automatic quenching of high energy γ-ray sources by synchrotron photons"

We investigate a magnetized plasma in which injected high energy gamma rays
annihilate on a soft photon field, that is provided by the synchrotron
radiation of the created pairs. For a very wide range of magnetic fields,
this process involves gamma-rays between 0.3GeV and 30TeV. We derive a
simple dynamical system for this process, analyze its stability to runaway
production of soft photons and paris [pairs], and find conditions for it to
automatically quench by reaching a steady state with an optical depth to
photon-photon annihilation larger than unity. We discuss applications to
broad-band γ-ray emitters, in particular supermassive black holes.
Automatic quenching limits the gamma-ray luminosity of these objects and
predicts substantial pair loading of the jets of less active sources.

Some important details here -- the gammas that are thought to be quenched
are 10 to 1,000,000 times more powerful than the ones we're interested in.
 So even though the conditions under which the quenching is thought to
happen are extreme, these ranges also provide an upper bound that is well
above what we would need.  It is possible that the effect cannot be seen
below these energies, but perhaps it might.  The authors require a magnetic
field, but they suggest that the effect can be seen between 10^-9 and 10^6
G.  The lower bound, 10^-9 G, is what you find in the human brain, and the
upper bound, 10^6 G, is greater than but not too different from the
magnetic field of a magnetic resonance imaging machine.

The authors mention in passing a related paper looking at the nonlinear
effects of pair production generated by ultrarelativistic protons.  A
recent article at phys.org discusses how laser light coherently accelerates
protons in a metal foil at higher energies than previously thought.


So we could potentially have ultrarelativistic protons in our optical
cavity, yielding pair production.  The pair production cross section in
nickel also becomes non-negligible in the energy range of 1 to 30 MeV.



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