I attended the International Low Energy Nuclear Reactions Symposium
(ILENRS-12) at The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia. I
just got back. The website for the conference is here:


I do not know why it is #12 or where the other 11 have been. Anyway, it was
one of better cold fusion conferences I have been to lately. Reasons:

New people. There were ~50 participants and I have never met about half of
them. Many of them are spring chickens, in their 40s and 50s. One was an
actual undergraduate!

Interesting presentations and informal discussions, particularly by Rob
Duncan, the people from NASA and the people from W&M who are just getting
started in the field. As I have said before, you gotta love NASA people.

A high level of enthusiasm. Progress has been made lately, and -- equally
important -- there seems to be a lot of funding by the standards of cold
fusion. People are getting equipment and permissions to do research.

Peter Hagelstein presented a comprehensive version of his latest theory. I
do not understand it but people who do were impressed. He calls this a
complete theory compared to the "toy theories" he has presented in the
past. He has gone through dozens of iterations.

Rob Duncan described various projects now underway at U. Missouri. They
want to be certain of the results before they announce them, but it is
apparent that they are doing a lot of solid fundamental research in
cooperation with the ENEA and others. Energetics Technologies has relocated
from Israel to the U. Missouri commercial "incubator" where they are doing
commercial-type R&D less open to discussion, more targeted to getting

As has been the case for the last few years, Rossi was the great absent
influence. I think it is only a matter of time before various people
replicate him. Piantelli has been more cooperative with various scientists
in recent years, I suppose because of his rivalry with Rossi. As McKubre
says, we all took a long hard look at Ni-H results thanks to Rossi, and
that includes results from both Rossi and Piantelli.

The proceedings from this conference will be made available at various web
sites including LENR-CANR.org. The organizers are pushing the participants
to submit papers quickly, within a few weeks. I think that is a good idea.

- Jed

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