Nothing unpleasant, my friend! I have a very deep experience in disputes,
scientific and technical; that includes discusiions
for quality standards- verbal fights, negotiations with potential
partners..The arguments of S. are weak. Politically he is a personality a
Greek patriot, cold fusion is a different, complex issue.
My opinion is that it is very easy to re-discover Rossi's secret however
the next stage- engineering is a Herculean task- to remain in Greece


On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 11:00 PM, Jones Beene <> wrote:

>  Well… it’s still a few months before the day of Atonement, but it looks
> like you are being made into a convenient scapegoat, Peter.****
> ** **
> He clearly got himself into an allegiance bind months ago, and then failed
> to make an early choice of teams – so he became almost a nobody … losing
> favor with both sides. ****
> ** **
> Now, in a ploy to return to someone, or anyone’s good graces, he makes a
> choice that is looking all the more foolish – not by failing to make an
> adequate case for silly allegations, but by picking the team that will hurt
> Greece, if successful … and at a time the homeland need all the help
> possible. ****
> ** **
> Hey – speaking of special days for carnage … anyone up for barbequed goat?
> ****
> ** **
> *From:* Peter Gluck ****
> ** **
> My Interview with Defkalion Green Technologies Global has****
> generated a reaction of negative enthusiasm from Professor****
> Christos Stremmenos …****
> ** **

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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