On Sat, Jul 7, 2012 at 3:17 AM, Akira Shirakawa

Lightweight html-only version for the bandwidth challenged:

> Cheers,
> S.A.

Out of curiosity, I took a look at the flashier version of the article.  I
think they might have paid a lot for a gimmick intended to leave an
impression on people.  Ultimately, though, serious readers will prefer a
simple presentation without too many bells and whistles; too much
slickness, and especially the poorly executed variety, can
easily interfere with what you're trying to communicate.

I like their reference to the whaling industry.  That is one possible way
to understand what could happen to the petroleum industry if LENR can be
profitably commercialized.  Other models are the publishing industry and
the recording industry.  There are similarities between each as well as
differences.  In this regard I wonder whether the authors have understand
their target audience; it is plausible that if confronted with a serious
challenge, the types of plans the oil industry would develop would center
more on the courtroom than on adapting to the new technological reality.
 In addition the industry might try to move up the chain into
higher-quality niches and leave LENR to home-heating and mobile power
generation markets, not appreciating that these would just be the entry
points.  Clayton Christensen, a well-known business professor, has
formulated an interesting explanation about how businesses that are
dominant in a market and staffed with competent people making rational,
defensible decisions, can lose their dominant position in a brief period of
time.  Somehow the organizations choose to ignore the impending threat, or
they are aware of it but are unable to come up with an adequate response.

The description of LENR in the article did a poor job of separating fact
from theory and conjecture.  I think those of us involved in popularizing
LENR are largely to blame for this.


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