Part III and end:

now the conspiracy:

Rossi is actually an agent, to ultimately prove the ridiculousness of LENR.


Rossi does not ask for money from unsuspecting customers.
He does not need that!
He is financed by some obscure sources, which I can only speculate about who 
they are.

His strange 'office' in Florida reminds me of exactly what?

What we logically can infere:

Rossi is backed by one or more influential US-entities:

Probably the NSA, the CIA and the oil-industry. this trio has enough money to

1) know what is going on, 

2) finance a counter-strategy, including ridiculiing the field.

Rossi is not entiteled to anything up to now.

He quite possibly is paid to PRETEND, as long as possible: ridiculos claims, to 
discredit the field as a whole.

DGT, making similar ridiculous claims, maybe trapped by a secondary illusion.
If Rossi has something, they should also, even if they are deep in the woods of 
only PRETENDING to know he way.

Argument Pro: the DGT founders are from banking and have their claims hidden in 
Cyprus, which is a tax haven.
They maybe are not even aware of the primary scam, What bankers do:
Pretend. The rest: they do not really care.

DGTs socalled customers from >100 countries with 40million$ per entity should 
make one's head spin!
How come?

I was boggled by the good Peter Gluck's interview, reporting  such outrageous 

If  'I' spend 40mio per 300k items, I want to know, right?
It is not the Cayaman Islands, or Aserbaijan, which preorder ecats, right?

But all those parties have convinced themselves that this is a good investment?

One would like to see this by one's own eyes, right?.

An endless procession of interested parties to the outbacks of Athens must have 
been happened, ->1k premier deciders, I guess--carefully monitored by the likes 
of CIA, NSA, right?

I do not know, where to put my conspiracy hat OFF right now, because it fits so 

Those are just wild speculations. 
Make up you own, and back it up with evidence.
Sorry folks.


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