At the W&M ILENRS-12 symposium, I was told that what is used by DGT and is
shown in their pictures were not spark plugs, but actually were glow plugs.
 I was also told that DGT was having reliability problems with these

If true, how does this change the thinking about what DGT is using to
stimulate/quench their reaction to form it into controlled pulses?


On Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 2:43 AM, Jojo Jaro <> wrote:

> **
> Hey Gang,
> A while back, I was harping on the use of sparks for LENR reactors.  I
> remember quite a vigorous exchange of ideas as to why sparks may be or may
> not be a critical component.  There was discussion as to whether RF or
> sparks was the important thing.  I was speculating that the temp. spike we
> find in DGT charts were the result of sparks firing and rapidly increasing
> the temp of the H2 and then rapidly dropping it again.  I speculated that
> sparks was the mechanism for modulating the reaction rates in DGT's
> reactors.
> Well, after the publication of DGT's pictures of their reactors, we find
> not 1 but 2 spark plugs.  But even with the evidence, we still had a few
> people here questioning the sparks.  There was speculation that the spark
> plugs were being used to plug a hole only, and serve as a high
> pressure/high temp plug only; which to me was ludicruous as we find a host
> of other thermocouple connections that could serve the same purpose.
> Anyways, it turned out I was right about sparks being a critical
> ingredient.
> Then I harped on Rossi's rationale for shifting to a fat-Cat design.  I
> speculated that this was Rossi's attempt to try to achieve more efficient
> and consistent spark delivery.  I then continued on and speculated that
> this design was probably a CVD reactor in disguise.  I speculated that the
> goal was to grow Carbon Nanostructures on a nickel substrate.
> Well, evidence seems to be accumulating on that front as well.
> We find out that nickel use was reduced to a few grams (consistent with
> nickel being used as growth catalyst for Carbon nanostructures. not as a
> metal lattice for hosting a NAE.)
> Then we found out his gen 2 reactors did not have hydrogen canisters
> anymore. (Consistent with using a hydrocarbon gas to grow Carbon
> Nanostructures and wth concurrent release of free hydrogen ions.  as used
> in CVD reactors.)
> Then we find out high temp (>600c) operation, which was consistent with a
> NAE that is thermally stable.   This is also the temp where CVD reactors
> work at.  More importantly, this gen 2 Rossi eCats did not experience
> thermal runways.  This is consitent with a reaction mechanism which was
> totally different from his earlier thermionic catalyst based reactor.
> So, evidence is mounting everyday regarding the use of Carbon
> Nanostructures.
> The point of this post is simply this.  We here in the collective should
> try to focus on understanding this new mechanism, e.g. Carbon
> Nanostructure-based LENR - LENR2.  Let's not waste our time discussing the
> theory, evidences, possibilities of older LENR paradigms such as FP, and
> others.  LENR mechanisms are old, let's get on with LENR2.  If we can get
> just half of the brain power in this collective to study LENR2, that would
> go a long ways in advancing the state of LENR research.
> Jojo


Bob Higgins

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